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Russia sends six cargo IL-76s to Belarus in past 13 hours

Friday, 30 December 2022, 17:14
Russia sends six cargo IL-76s to Belarus in past 13 hours

Six Il-76MD military transport planes, which could be transporting mobilised personnel and delivering equipment, have flown from Russia to Belarus over the last 13 hours.

Source: Belaruski Hajun, an independent Belarusian military monitoring media outlet

Details: According to the monitoring group, these are RF-76745, RA-86900, RF-76549, RF-86898, RA-76763 and RF-76772 aircraft. They started arriving in Belarus at 04:00, and the last one (RF-76772) landed at Machulishchy at 18:17 Minsk time (17:17 Kyiv time).


According to Belaruski Hajun, all the planes are transporting something, but what exactly is still unknown. For example, it may be a delivery of equipment or a rotation of mobilised personnel.

The maximum capacity of each IL-76MD is 245 people, so the planes could transport up to 1,470 soldiers.

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