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Ukrainian band TNMK releases video on landmine safety

Friday, 13 January 2023, 16:30

The Ukrainian hip-hop band Tanok na Maidani Kongo (TNMK) presented the song "Dyvys, kudy idesh" ("Look where you’re going") along with a clip about the danger of explosive devices and the rules for dealing with them.

Source: The presentation was broadcasted online on the band's Facebook page.

Details: Vocalists Fahot and Fozzi sang about the dangers of explosive devices and the rules for handling them. The track was complemented by an animated clip in anime style.


The goal of the project is to reduce the number of accidents among adults and children by spreading knowledge about the correct handling of explosive objects.

"I have a son, he is 12. I understand how many more years this country will be de-mining, and I want him to be safe and to know what, where and how [to do – ed.], which rules he should follow if he sees something somewhere," said Oleh Mykhailiuta, known as Fahot.

The creative project was made with the support of the East Europe Foundation in cooperation with the State Emergency Service of Ukraine within the framework of the "Dyvys pid nohy!" ("Look under your feet'') program funded by DanChurchAid, as well as the Spilnodiia program, funded by the European Union.

Earlier, Ukrainska Pravda.Zhyttia spoke with Fahot from TNMK about war, military service and music.

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