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National Security Council Secretary announces 12 steps for Crimea's liberation developed by council

Sunday, 2 April 2023, 11:30
National Security Council Secretary announces 12 steps for Crimea's liberation developed by council

Oleksii Danilov, the Secretary of the National Security and Defence Council of Ukraine (NSDC), has announced 12 steps for the liberation of Crimea, which are being developed by the NSDC staff with the involvement of a wide range of specialists and experts.

Source: Danilov on Facebook

Quote from Danilov: "For the Moscow garbage, I would like to draw in broad strokes how Ukraine will liberate Crimea.


The NSDC staff is developing a detailed and legally verified programme with the involvement of a wide range of specialists and experts, which will be reflected in the new version of the strategy for the liberation of Crimea."

Details: The NSDC Secretary has published 12 steps:

  1. The issue of the design and location of the monument "Russian warship, go f*ck yourself" in Crimea will be put up for public discussion.

  2. In addition to criminal prosecution for collaboration and treason, a lustration mechanism of personal assessment is being developed that, in particular, determines the level of responsibility and the degree of involvement of specific individuals, such as citizens of Ukraine and residents of Crimea, in supporting the activities of occupation administrations, which includes restrictions on the right to participate in elections: to elect and be elected.

  3. Regarding civil servants, judges, prosecutors, law enforcement officers, and other categories of persons who, as of 2014, were employed by the Ukrainian authorities, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Security Service of Ukraine (SSU), the Ministry of Defenсe, etc., and after February 2014 worked in the Russian occupation structures, the Ukrainian courts will determine whether they are subject to criminal liability. But if they are not, they will be deprived of state pensions, including a ban on further employment in state bodies and local self-government bodies of Ukraine.

  4. Russia or another formation that will claim legal succession ensures the unconditional and complete extradition of all persons suspected of high treason and other criminal offences, both citizens of Ukraine and citizens of Russia, involved in war crimes (international crimes that do not have a statute of limitations – genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity) committed on the territory of our state in general and Crimea in particular.

  5. Propagandists – journalists, media professionals and various experts who contributed to the occupation, the militarisation of child education and the incitement of hatred against Ukraine, Ukrainians, Crimean Tatars, and other nationalities – are a group worthy of special attention, whose crimes will be investigated by Ukrainian and, if necessary, international law enforcement agencies.
  6. Citizens of the Russian Federation who illegally came to reside on the Crimean peninsula after February 2014 must immediately leave the territory of Ukraine within the time limit determined by law.

  7. Transactions made under non-Ukrainian legislation after February 2014, including real estate, are considered null and void – a law that has been in force for nine years. The right of ownership to the property remains with the citizens of Ukraine. If it is misappropriated or nationalised, the property is returned to the owners.

  8. The transport crossing in the city of Kerch of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea is being dismantled to ensure complete freedom of navigation under the damage compensation programme.

  9. A comprehensive programme of "detoxification" is being implemented to neutralise the consequences of the long-term action of Russian propaganda on the public consciousness of a part of the peninsula's population.

    In particular, using the experience of using effective methods in the denazification of Germany in the 40s, including the participation of identified groups of active support for the Russian occupation in public works for the restoration of destroyed Ukrainian cities, the processes of exhumation and reburial of victims of Russian aggression (for persons found guilty of such crimes by the court), and providing the widest possible access to information about the crimes of the Putin regime.
  1. Creating a documentary database of facts about Russian crimes against Ukrainian citizens who resisted the occupation. Restoring the rights of Ukrainian and Crimean Tatar activists.

  2. Immediate release of all citizens of Ukraine, Crimean Tatars, and Ukrainians who have been persecuted by the Russian Federation on politically motivated grounds since 2014, with compensation for moral damage caused.

  3. Given its place and role in the ideology of ruscism, the system of negative myth-making and rewriting of history, the so-called "city of Russian glory" (whose "glory", in particular, consists in sinking its fleet without entering into battle) is renamed "Object No. 6". The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine later decided on a new name for the city. Akhtiar, perhaps.

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