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Ukraine's Defence Intelligence appeals to residents of Crimea

Wednesday, 14 June 2023, 15:47
Ukraine's Defence Intelligence appeals to residents of Crimea

Illustration showing a cotton flower, a symbol of Ukraine’s resistance: Ukrainskyi Nastup (Ukrainian Offensive) Telegram channel

Ukraine’s Defence Intelligence has urged the residents of Crimea to help bring the liberation of Ukrainian lands closer.

Source: press service for Ukraine’s Defence Intelligence


Details: Ukraine’s Defence Intelligence said that information provided by Ukrainians residing in Russian-occupied Crimea has helped Ukrainian intelligence officers find out about the fact that Chernomorneftegaz (Black Sea Oil and Gas), a Russian oil and gas firm, is planning to evacuate its employees and their families from Crimea.

Defence Intelligence continues to receive similar important reports from residents of temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine every day.

Quote from Defence Intelligence: "Ukrainians who are currently under [Russian] occupation, we remind you that you can bring the liberation of our lands by Ukraine’s defence forces closer!

Thanks to you, we can not only crush the enemy but also save the lives of our soldiers and civilians. Your contribution might be decisive in restoring Ukraine’s territorial integrity within its 1991 borders!

We ask you to report the locations of the occupation forces and assets:

  • Locations and addresses of residence of occupation forces’ personnel and leadership;
  • Ammunition and fuel and lubricants storage points;
  • Locations where military equipment [and weapons systems] are deployed, stored or repaired;
  • Locations electronic warfare equipment (characteristic feature: antennae and locators);
  • Occupation forces’ headquarters and command posts;
  • Locations where air defence systems are stored or deployed.

[This information can be submitted to Defence Intelligence Telegram] bot: @povertaemosvoe_bot

Please share this information with us. Ukraine will inevitably reclaim Crimea. The more information we have, the sooner [Crimea] will be liberated."

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