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Kharkiv Oblast Military Administration explains how many civilians have been evacuated from Kupiansk district so far

Friday, 11 August 2023, 22:54

Mandatory evacuation of civilians continues in parts of Kharkiv Oblast’s Kupiansk district near the front.

Source: Oleh Syniehubov, Head of the Kharkiv Oblast Military Administration, on Telegram

Quote from Syniehubov: "The mandatory evacuation of civilians from settlements situated near the front in the Kupiansk district continues. It is proceeding in line with the plan; previously agreed safe routes are being used. As of today, 63 civilians, including nine children, have been evacuated.

We are considering announcing the mandatory evacuation of children from settlements located 7-10 km away from the front, including the city of Kupiansk. [Kharkiv] Oblast Security Council has to approve this measure; it also has to be agreed with the Ministry of Reintegration of Temporarily Occupied Territories."

Details: Syniehubov also said that around 12,000 civilians remain in the Kupiansk hromada [an administrative unit designating the city of Kupiansk and areas in its vicinity - ed.]. The evacuees have accommodation reserved for them in the city of Kharkiv and in Ukrainian oblasts situated farther from the front – a total of 3,500 places have been reserved in Kharkiv alone, but the number of places can be increased to 16,000.

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