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Kharkiv authorities deny withdrawal of Ukraine's Armed Forces from Kupiansk and Synkivka

Tuesday, 22 August 2023, 13:57
Kharkiv authorities deny withdrawal of Ukraine's Armed Forces from Kupiansk and Synkivka

The Kharkiv Oblast Military Administration has denied the retreat of the Armed Forces of Ukraine from Kupiansk and Synkivka, as previously reported by Russian Telegram channels.

Source: Oleh Syniehubov, Head of Kharkiv Oblast Military Administration, during the national joint 24/7 newscast; Radio Liberty, citing Olena Shapoval, spokeswoman for Kharkiv Oblast Military Administration

Details: Asked where the reports on the Russian Telegram channels about the alleged retreat of the Armed Forces of Ukraine from Kupiansk are true, Syniehubov answered:

Quote: "No. There is absolutely no retreat from our side. Our soldiers are standing in their positions, constantly inflicting damage.

... There are indeed hostilities, but there are no concessions."

More details: Olena Shapoval, spokeswoman for the Kharkiv Oblast Military Administration, reported that the settlement of Synkivka, the occupation of which was previously reported by Russian Telegram channels, is also under the control of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Quote: "Actually, Synkivka is under the control of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Six people live in Synkivka. It is very good that most of the population was evacuated after all. Because the front line is very close, this settlement is under constant shelling. But we also provide humanitarian assistance to nearby settlements, including Synkivka.

That is, our local authorities all work on the ground. We ask you not to believe Russian propaganda because the head of the city military administration and the district administration are all on the ground. Everyone works every day to provide the population with everything they need."

Photo: deepstate map

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