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Moldova condemns pseudo-elections in occupied territories of Ukraine

Friday, 8 September 2023, 21:03

Moldova condemns and does not recognize Russia’s fake "elections" in the occupied territories of Ukraine.

Source: European Pravda with reference to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Eurointegration of Moldova (MFAEI)

According to the statement, Russia’s attempt to legitimise forceful occupation of the territories of the sovereign Ukrainian state is illegal and goes completely against the norms of the international right and international agreements, in which Russia itself is a participant.


"By holding the so-called elections Russia directly contradicts the UN Statute and the Helsinki Final Act, and consciously violates the principles of sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine," the statement reads.

The Foreign Ministry of Moldova stressed that Moldova decisively supports the independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine within its internationally recognized borders.

Russia will conduct pseudo-elections in the occupied territories of Ukraine on 8-10 September.


Earlier the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the UK James Cleverly stated that holding fake elections is Russia’s attempt to legitimise its groundless claims to Ukrainian territory.

Background: A week ago Peter Stano, spokesperson of the European Commission, condemned Russia for holding pseudo-elections in the occupied territories of Ukraine. Antony Blinken, US Secretary of State, said that Washington will never recognize the results of these pseudo-elections.

UK intelligence reported that by holding pseudo-elections in the occupied territories Putin’s political party United Russia tries to solidify the influence of the Kremlin there.

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