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Secondary school partially destroyed in Kharkiv after Russian attack

Saturday, 25 May 2024, 02:26
Secondary school partially destroyed in Kharkiv after Russian attack
Photo: State Emergency Service of Ukraine

A lyceum in the Slobidskyi district of Kharkiv was partially destroyed by a Russian attack on the night of 24-25 May. [A lyceum is a specialised secondary school - ed.]

Source: Kharkiv Mayor Ihor Terekhov on Telegram

Details: Terekhov said that a nearby high-rise building and several cars had also been damaged.  


There is no information about casualties so far.

Updated at 07:15: Terekhov stated that a workshop at an educational institution had been destroyed and 31 cars damaged as a result of the S-300 missile strike. In addition, the main building of the institution was partially destroyed and windows were shattered in several nearby high-rise buildings. A supermarket was also affected. 

No information about casualties was reported.



On the night of 24-25 May, a series of explosions occurred in Kharkiv around midnight.

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