Russian occupiers likely cut off Ukrainian prisoner's limbs and head – Ukraine's Human Rights Commissioner

Dmytro Lubinets, Ukraine’s Human Rights Commissioner, has urgently appealed to the International Committee of the Red Cross and the United Nations, as well as Ukrainian law enforcement, in light of photographs circulating online that appear to show a Ukrainian prisoner who has been tortured and killed by Russian occupiers.
Source: Dmytro Lubinets on Telegram
Quote from Lubinets: "A photo has been posted online that appears to show the body of a Ukrainian prisoner whose head and limbs have been cut off by the Russians.
This isn’t just a violation of the Geneva Convention relative to the Treatment of Prisoners of War – it’s an absolutely monstrous act. I would like to note that international humanitarian law stipulates that prisoners of war may not be tortured, abused, or killed."
Details: Lubinets has urgently appealed to the ICRC and the UN, asking them to document this violation of human rights by Russia. He has also asked Ukrainian law enforcement to confirm the man's identity and the fact of the crime committed against him.
Lubinets stressed that as long as prisoners of war are held by an enemy state, it is that state that is responsible for their treatment. Therefore, responsibility for the torture and murder must be borne by the Russian Federation, not just the Russian soldiers who committed it.
Lubinets also said that by circulating photos and videos like this on social media and committing such acts of torture, Russia wants to intimidate people in Ukraine, both civilians and those fighting in its armed forces.
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