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Wifes of Azov defenders in Russian captivity speak to their men for first time in 2 years – photo

Illegally convicted Ukrainians can be brought back from Russia – Ukraine's Coordination Headquarters for Treatment of PoWs

Ukraine launches project to exchange collaborators for Ukrainians in captivity

755 or Ukraine's National Guard soldiers liberated from Russian captivity

Investigation underway into claims that released Ukrainian POW collaborated with Russians in captivity

95 Ukrainian soldiers brought back from Russian captivity, 13 of them are defenders of Azovstal steel plant – photos

Ukraine's Human Rights Commissioner doubts possibility of all for all POW exchange

Ukraine has unofficial information where Russia holds abducted journalist Khyliuk

Ukrainian forces rescue marine from occupation after over a year in captivity – video

Ukraine did not exchange Russian soldier convicted of war crimes

The hardest part was the injustice and humiliation – Crimean Tatar leader on Russian captivity

Several dozen Russian soldiers surrender – video

Zelenskyy meets with deputy head of Crimean Tatar Mejlis, recently freed from Russian captivity – video

Ukraine's Defence Intelligence shares details of 53rd POW exchange with Russians – videos

Photos of welcoming ceremony for Ukrainians released from Russian captivity published

10 Ukrainian civilians brought back from Russian captivity, including deputy chairman of Majlis of Crimean Tatar people

"Mum! I'm home": 22-year-old Ukrainian soldier who swam across gulf to get to Azovstal returns from Russian captivity – photo

Latest prisoner swap not yet complete, operation is ongoing – Ukraine's Defence Intelligence

90 Ukrainians return from Russian captivity – photos, video

​​More than 300 Russian servicemen surrender via I Want to Live initiative

Ukraine's intelligence identifies killers of 4 Ukrainian POWs near Robotyne – video

Ukrainian soldiers share story of capturing Russian "barn tank" and its crew

Russia not interested in bringing back its prisoners of war – Ukraine's human rights commissioner

Ukraine's Human Rights Commissioner calls Russian request to facilitate PoW exchange a provocation

Up to 90% of POWs subjected to various kinds of torture in Russia, Ukrainian authorities say

Journalists identify one of Russian soldiers who abused Ukrainian prisoners of war in Kharkiv Oblast

Mariupol police officer freed from Russian captivity shares story of her beloved "convicted" in Russia

Ukraine's human rights commissioner appeals to UN over video of Ukrainian PoWs being abused on Kharkiv front

Just one Azov soldier is among recently-liberated Ukrainian POWs

Released soldier passes on greetings from journalist still in captivity