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Red Cross to ensure Ukrainian prisoners of war can contact their families

Lost an arm, lost 30 kg: story of border guard from Azovstal released from captivity

Zelenskyy to Russian soldiers abandoned in Kherson Oblast: The only chance for salvation is to surrender

Ukraine’s Defence Intelligence to Russian military in Kherson: only way to survive is to surrender

Another 45 Ukrainian soldiers freed from Russian captivity

President's Office creates human rights headquarters amid International Red Cross inaction

30 defenders of Zmiinyi (Snake) Island have already been released from captivity, work continues

107 Ukrainian defenders are liberated from captivity, most from Azovstal

Foreign Ministers of Ukraine and Türkiye discuss Black Sea Grain Initiative and Ukrainian prisoners

Zelenskyy and Erdoğan discuss grain deal and release of political prisoners

Occupier says her fellow soldiers left her to bleed out on the battlefield – Security Service of Ukraine

Over 1,000 Ukrainian prisoners freed from Russian captivity since 24 February

Ukraine conducts another PoW swap with Russia – 52 liberated

10 more Ukrainian soldiers released from Russian captivity

Released from captivity, Azovstal defender Zoriana Repetska meets her daughters for the first time. Video

Ukraine’s Presidential Office: Red Cross silently tolerates Russia’s abuses

Red Cross did not arrive at demarcation line, where Ukrainian delegation was waiting for it

Ukraine’s Armed Forces significantly replenish prisoner of war “exchange fund” during counteroffensive - Zelenskyy

Ukrainian website "Hochu Zhit" (I want to live), where Russian servicemen can surrender, blocked in Russia

Ukrainian Intelligence offers US$100,000 for captured former leader of Donetsk militants, Igor Girkin

Igor Girkin may be fighting in Ukraine: $50,000 reward offered for his capture

Zelenskyy: Red Cross is not a "club with privileges" but an organisation with responsibilities

Yermak issues an "ultimatum" to the Red Cross: demands to visit Olenivka

Ukraine secures the release of 20 soldiers from Russian captivity

Ukraine welcomes home 32 prisoners and recovers the body of a fallen Israeli citizen

Russians have kidnapped and may torture deputy head of ZNPP

Platoon taken out in one minute – Russian soldier on being defeated by Ukrainian Armed Forces

Azov Regiment about captivity: Ukraine’s leaders allowed us to choose, 300 out of 600 wounded had festering wounds

Russians tried to recruit Azov Regiment fighters who left Azovstal steelworks: "To destroy USA"

The great swap: How it was possible to release Azovstal defenders and why Putin traded them for Medvedchuk