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New blockade: farmers to join Polish haulier protest at Dorohusk checkpoint

Polish hauliers to block Dorohusk-Yahodyn checkpoint again

Over 2,000 lorries headed for Ukraine are stuck in Poland

Third Ukrainian lorry driver dies at Polish border

Polish president congratulates Ukraine and Moldova on historic EU summit decision

Three Ukrainian drivers run over on Polish border

3 checkpoints from Poland still blocked, with 2,600 lorries in queues

Polish sugar producers want embargo on Ukraine's sugar imports

Polish border blockade continues, but there positive dynamics – Ukraine's Border Guard Service

Polish vehicle runs over three Ukrainian drivers near border

Zelenskyy and Poland's new PM conduct first phone conversation

Local authorities prohibit Polish hauliers from blocking border in Dorohusk

New Polish PM may meet Zelenskyy tomorrow morning

More than 4,000 lorries queuing at borders of Ukraine – State Border Guard Service

Checkpoint in Dorohusk completely unblocked, entire queue of lorries needs one day to pass

Kyiv invites new Polish PM to visit Ukraine shortly

Lorry that blocked Yahodyn-Dorohusk checkpoint now removed

Newly elected Polish PM says his government will demand total mobilisation of West to help Ukraine

European Commission calls for other Polish border checkpoints to be unblocked

US delivers generator for one of key cargo checkpoints on border with Poland

Movement of lorries from Poland to Ukraine through "unblocked" Dorohusk checkpoint blocked again

Truck traffic at Dorohusk-Yahodyn checkpoint unblocked

3,500 lorries stuck on border in Poland

Polish government denies that hauliers are blocking military aid to Ukraine

EU trade unions urge EU to boycott Polish carriers over border blockade with Ukraine

Orbán's government openly switches to Russia's positions

Ukrainians protest outside Polish Parliament over border blockade

Polish hauliers' blockade delays volunteer aid to Ukrainian defenders – Reuters

Baltic states send démarche to Poland over Ukrainian border blockade

European Commission determined to defend cancellation of permits despite Polish demands