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Head of the Sumy region requests weapons and protection by Bayraktars- otherwise Russian forces will get to Kyiv

Tuesday, 1 March 2022, 21:07


Head of the Sumy State Administration Dmytro Zhyvitsky to ask for help from the region to defend against the Russian military- Iskander, Grad, Uragan, Buk, tanks, and armoured combat vehicles.


Source: Zhivitsky in Telegram

Direct speech: "At the moment, more than a dozen thousand military equipment, including salvo fire systems, have come to Sumy, as Russians invade the territory of the entire region to destroy the people of Ukraine. (...)

Today, dozens, hundreds of Russian Іskanders, Grads, Uragans, Buks, tanks, armoured combat vehicles, convoys of tankers and other equipment that cannot be identified, entered the territory of the Sumy region. 

We understand: if there is no support for our army by Bayraktars, if there is no support by aviation, if there is no bombardment of these targets with accurate missiles, if we don’t stop them in the Sumy region, the enemy will be in Kyiv tomorrow. The problem is not only ours. This is the problem in all of the territory of Ukraine, Europe, and the entire civilised world.

Details: Zhyvitsky stated that "marauders of the Russian so-called army are rampant on the territory of the entire region" but the territorial defence is holding the line.

"With bare hands, guns, and Molotov cocktails, we have stopped hundreds of pieces of military equipment," the head of the Oblast State Administration said.

Direct speech: "I am not asking, I am demanding help to secure the Sumy region with Bayraktars and missiles. I demand aviation, so that my native Sumy region is not wiped off the face of the earth today.

We need thermal imaging cameras, we need sniper rifles and walkie-talkies, we need defenders - bulletproof vests, helmets, we need military clothes, we need grenade launchers, Javelins, Enlow, anti-tank jet systems.

Today, our territorial defence –naked and barefoot– defends the 1,100,000 citizens in the Sumy region. I demand that our region stays peaceful, independent and keeps the independence of Ukraine and peace in Europe. I look forward to your support."

Details: Zyvitsky stated that Sumy Territorial Defence forces are holding their position, destroying and fighting the Russian enemy back: "Today the enemy forces turned back."

Mayor Zyvitsky makes his pride clear: the Sumy region is protected by ‘‘the f***ing best Territorial Defence."
