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Ministry of Defence: Russian Marines lost up to 90% of personnel in Crimea

Saturday, 19 March 2022, 19:43

Saturday, 19 March 2022, 20:43

In the temporarily occupied Crimea, some marine units of the Russian army have lost up to 90% of their personnel, with no reserves to recover the losses.

Source: Ministry of Defence of Ukraine, on Facebook


Details: According to available information, the Russian army is attempting to recover losses by sending soldiers from other military units to Ukraine.

According to the Ministry of Defence: "In these units, more than 20 people wrote reports refusing to take part in the war against Ukraine; the ‘refusers’ are subject to coercive pressure."

Other important updates: During the last several days, Russian divisions that were manned by mobilised personnel from the temporarily occupied territory of the Donetsk region also suffered considerable losses on the Mykolayiv front.

The Ministry of Defence reported that during the last two days of fighting, Russian losses amounted to more than 200 people, and that "the rest are demoralised and refuse to take part in hostilities."

According to the Ministry of Defence: "The mobilised soldiers openly accuse the Russian command of using them for ‘combat reconnaissance’ [whereby soldiers are sent into the fight first] to identify the positions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Refrigerators with ‘load 200’ arrive at the Luhansk Regional Hospital every day. These are bodies of the soldiers of the 2nd Army Corps, which has suffered significant losses. The relatives of the deceased line up near the district executive committees to receive death certificates."
