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Negotiations are ongoing. The talks between the delegations of Ukraine and Russia may take place on Monday

Sunday, 20 March 2022, 13:33

Sunday, 20 march 2022, 14:33

Negotiations between Ukraine and Russia take place every day at the level of expert groups.

Source: High-ranking interlocutors of "Ukrainska Pravda", as well as a member of the delegation of Ukraine, the Head of the Faction "Sluha Narodu" Davyd Arakhamiia in a conversation with the correspondent of the UP


Quote of Arakhamiia: "Negotiations are holding every day. And today too. At the level of expert groups."

Details: Sources of UP say that the online meeting of the official delegations of Ukraine and Russia is scheduled for March 21.

Previously: The fourth round of negotiations between the Ukrainian and Russian delegations regarding the search for peace took place on March 14.
