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National Police: Explosions in Kyiv were caused by air defence striking enemy’s air targets

Thursday, 3 March 2022, 07:50

Thursday, 3 March 2022, 06:50 AM

According to preliminary information, the sounds of explosions in Kyiv last night were caused by Ukrainian air defence forces striking Russian air targets.

Source: National Police as cited in Suspilne


Details: Explosions in Kyiv were heard in several neighbourhoods after the air alarm sirens were sounded.

Quote: "Several (3-4) explosions were heard in Kyiv during the night of 2 March – early morning of 3 March, according to internet sources.

The Department of Emergencies has not received any reports from Kyiv citizens.

According to preliminary information, air targets have been hit by the air defence forces.

Information about the number and exact location of explosions is being confirmed."
