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Russian troops bomb village in Kharkiv oblast causing death and destruction

Thursday, 3 March 2022, 12:25
Russian troops bomb village in Kharkiv oblast causing death and destruction

Roman Petrenko - Thursday, 3 March 2022, 13:25

During the night from 2 to 3 March, Russian aggressors bombed the village of Yakolivka in Kharkiv oblast. As a result, three people died and 30 private buildings were destroyed.

Source: the Department of Emergencies


Details: It is reported that the attack started at 22:57 on 2 March. As a result of the bombardment, at least 30 private buildings were destroyed along with private vehicles and utility buildings.

Initial reports say that three Ukrainians have died, but this information is being checked.
Seven persons were injured and 10 rescued from the rubble.
