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Russian propaganda in action: occupiers have already found ‘combat drugs’, plague, and anthrax in Ukraine

Sunday, 6 March 2022, 17:35
Russian propaganda in action: occupiers have already found ‘combat drugs’, plague, and anthrax in Ukraine


With the help of pro-Kremlin media, the Russian invaders are spreading fake news about incredible discoveries in Ukraine. In a few days, the occupiers claim to have found ‘combat drugs’ in Ukraine and destroyed the pathogens of plague and anthrax. Photo and video evidence of this has not published.

Source: Kremlin-controlled publication on RIA Novosti


 Details: Earlier, on March 5, the occupiers reported that they had found laboratories near Mariupol that produced "combat" drugs for Ukrainian "Nazis."

All this was reported by the so-called "RIA Novosti correspondent" from the "ground". At the same time, the occupants have not published any photos or videos of these "combat" drugs.

In particular, the pro-Kremlin website stated that they had found "syringes, flasks, some powders, drugs, an entire small production complex."


One of the occupiers said that all these "drugs are the reason for the stupidity and courage of Ukrainian nationalists."

The occupiers also refer to some "Kharkiv residents" who told them that "nationalists with crazy eyes" were walking around the city.

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On Sunday, March 6, the invaders revealed "incredible" facts about cleared traces of the American-funded military-biological program in Ukraine.

In particular, the occupiers stated that they had destroyed pathogens of plague and anthrax in Ukraine. In addition, the invaders managed to find "documents" on the destruction of dangerous pathogens.

The occupiers also report the discovery of a laptop with NATO symbols in Ukraine, etc.
