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Kherson Region: Russians attached Ukrainian flags to tanks and fired at occupied villages

Sunday, 24 April 2022, 16:54
Kherson Region: Russians attached Ukrainian flags to tanks and fired at occupied villages


Russian tanks with Ukrainian flags moved in the direction of Molodetske on the outskirts of the village of Hrozove in the occupied Kherson region, and then fired on the houses of civilians.

Source: Operational Command "Pivden" (South)


Quote: "The tanks of the occupiers, flying Ukrainian flags, went to the outskirts of the village of Hrozove, Kherson region. This demonstration column moved in the direction of the village of Molodetske.

The enemy is trying to simulate the presence of units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the occupied territories. And then, from the same tanks, they fire on the occupied settlements, giving the local residents a fake idea that the Ukrainian military is attacking civilians in the Kherson region."

Details: The leadership of the Operational Command "Pivden" ("South") emphasised that units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine do not fire on civilians and residential buildings behind which Russian invaders are hiding.

The statement explained that the Russians were trying to conduct psychological operations against the local residents to guarantee support for so-called "referendums" and attempts by the Russians to annex the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine.

Ukrainian missile and artillery units inflicted 12 defeats on Russian troops during Easter night. As a result of the attack, the occupiers lost 11 soldiers and 3 units of armoured vehicles.


  • On the morning of Easter, 24 April, the operational command "Pivden" (South) reported that the Ukrainian Armed Forces have reestablished control over 8 settlements in the Kherson region by driving Russian occupying forces, but didn’t give the names of these settlements. 
  • Ukrainian intelligence reported that the Russian occupiers have prohibited civilians in the Kherson region from leaving the region, either to territories controlled by the Ukrainian government or to other Russian-occupied territories. According to the Chief Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine, the Russians are trying to mobilise the civilian population to replenish their occupation units.
