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Russian missile strike on Kyiv region – some missiles shot down by air defence systems

Sunday, 3 April 2022, 17:15
Russian missile strike on Kyiv region – some missiles shot down by air defence systems

Roman Petrenko – Sunday, 3 April 2022, 17:15

On 3 April, Russian troops carried out another missile strike on the city of Vasylkiv just outside of Kyiv. Some of the missiles were shot down by Ukrainian air defence systems.

Source: Tsentr [Centre] Air Command, on Facebook


According to Tsentr: "At the site of the incident was a study centre and a civilian college, which the local community has just started restoring after a fire.

But the Russian occupiers continue to fire insidiously, and have not abandoned their habit of harassing peaceful civilians, since the missile struck the area where the staff were clearing the buildings and the grounds."

Details: According to preliminary information, several staff members have been injured and were hospitalised. One of them is in critical condition.
