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Zelenskyy: Helping Ukraine can prevent a global famine

Saturday, 14 May 2022, 22:52
Zelenskyy: Helping Ukraine can prevent a global famine


President Volodymyr Zelenskyy emphasises that the support of Ukraine by partners, especially with weapons, will help prevent global hunger caused by Russian aggression.

Source: Video Address of the President 


Quote: "More and more countries around the world are realising that Russia, by blocking the Black Sea for us, and continuing this war, puts dozens of other countries at risk of a global food crisis and even famine.

This is another incentive for our anti-war coalition to act more decisively together. Now, support for Ukraine and, above all, with weapons means preventing a global famine."

Details: Zelenskyy emphasised that the sooner Ukrainian land is liberated and Ukraine is guaranteed security, the sooner the normal state of the food market can be restored.


Background: On 11 May, US President Joe Biden said that Russia's aggression against Ukraine and the blockade of Ukrainian ports could lead to mass starvation around the world.

On 13 May, Dmitry Medvedev, deputy chairman of the Russian Security Council, made his prediction for a "world after anti-Russian sanctions", which would include a full-fledged international food crisis with the prospect of famine in some countries.
