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10% of territory of Luhansk region is controlled by Ukraine - Haidai

Sunday, 15 May 2022, 20:39
10% of territory of Luhansk region is controlled by Ukraine - Haidai


Serhii Haidai, the Head of Luhansk region, said that 10% of the territory of Luhansk Oblast is controlled by Ukraine.

Source: Haidai on Facebook


Quote: "The outskirts of Rubizhne; Lysychansk and Sievierodonetsk are under our control (+ villages and towns belonging to those communities.

Hirske municipal community and territory along the Lysychansk-Bakhmut road to the border with Donetsk region [are also under our control]".

Details: The occupiers fired on a building of the  Sievierodonetsk hospital, causing a fire.


Previously, the medical institution had 300 beds for the treatment of patients, now there are only 100 (there are still 10,000 people in the city and another 5,000 in the surrounding villages).

The regional centre is still under fire, but evacuation still continues.

On 15 May, a patrol police evacuated 10 people from Sievierodonetsk. The car came under fire, but no one was injured.

The most dangerous destinations in the Luhansk region are Sievierodonetsk, approaching from Popasna and Belohorivka (Lysychansk-Bakhmut road). Breakthroughs here may allow the occupiers to encircle the area.

Fighting continues in the villages near Sievierodonetsk.
