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National Guard of Russia soldiers Krasnodar refused to return to the war in Ukraine – mass media

Monday, 30 May 2022, 16:03
National Guard of Russia soldiers Krasnodar refused to return to the war in Ukraine – mass media

ROMAN PETRENKO - MONDAY, MAY 30, 2022, 16: 03

Russian National Guard soldiers from Krasnodar, who took part in the war against Ukraine in February-April and whom the National Guard tried to send there again, submitted reports with a refusal to go to fight, mass media reports say.

Source: "Caucasus. Realities" with reference to an interlocutor from the Main Directorate of the Federal troops of the National Guard from the Krasnodar Territory and another serviceman


Details: Russian National Guard soldiers are extremely dissatisfied with the payments received for two months of their stay in Ukraine – they turned out to be significantly lower than the propaganda mass media advertise. And this was one of the reasons for their refusal.

The Command explained that it considers the salary of soldiers for the war not in rubles, but in dollars. If on March 10 the official dollar exchange rate in Russia was 120 RUB, then on May 26 it was 56 RUB, which explains the difference in the amount of military payments.

Quote: "Just the other day I received a payment for the second month of my stay there. And if in the first month I was paid 100,000 [rubles], now – 50,000. The Command explained this by the fall in the dollar exchange rate – the payment is calculated from $50 per day of stay, but is made in rubles at the Russian exchange rate."


More details: According to the source, five employees submitted for their retirement – they were of pre-retirement age. He also knows about at least five other fighters who filed reports refusing to go to Ukraine for other reasons.
