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Over 40 “incoming” mortars in Sumy Region in an evening

Thursday, 5 May 2022, 01:11
Over 40 “incoming” mortars in Sumy Region in an evening

Olha Hlushchenko - Thursday, 5 May 2022, 01:11

The aggressors fired mortars at municipalities (hromadas) in the Sumy region 40 times at about 8 p.m. on Wednesday, 5 May.

Source: Dmytro Zhyvytskyi, Head of the Sumy Military Administration, on Telegram


Quote: "The Russians started shelling our communities from their side of the border at about 8 p.m.

Hlukhiv municipality, mortar fire, about 20 ‘incoming’ near the village of Sopych.

Esman municipality (hromada), on the outskirts of Bachivsk and Tovstodubove. About 18 ‘incoming’ mortars from the enemy’s side.


There are no casualties or damage."
