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Impossible to return to the liberated villages of Kharkiv Region: there are many mines and trip wires; fatalities reported

Monday, 9 May 2022, 13:16
Impossible to return to the liberated villages of Kharkiv Region: there are many mines and trip wires; fatalities reported


Police urge people not to return to their houses in the liberated settlements of Kharkiv Region: it is extremely dangerous.

Source: Serhii Bolvinov, Head of the Investigative Department of the National Police in Kharkiv Region, on Facebook


Details: In recent days, the Armed Forces of Ukraine have liberated a number of settlements in the Kharkiv region. Many residents of these places have a clear desire to return home. For the time being, this is extremely dangerous, says Bolvinov.

First, because of the continuation of hostilities and the close proximity to the front line, and second, because of the huge number of unexploded ordnance and mines left behind by the fleeing army of invaders.

Quote: "Unfortunately, yesterday during demining under the bridge in the village of Tsyrkuny, the bodies of two civilian women were found, who were blown up by a trip wire.


For your own safety, do not return to the liberated settlements! Please spread this information to those who intend to do so. First we liberate, then demine and after that, return."
