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Russian media obtains Kremlin’s closed survey on the war: 30% of all Russians and 50% of Russian youths in favour of ending war

Tuesday, 12 July 2022, 20:00


A closed sociological survey commissioned by the Kremlin shows that 30% of Russians are in favour of an immediate end to the war in Ukraine.

Source: Meduza, in reference to the received data of a closed poll of the WCIOM (All-Russian Centre for the Study of Public Opinion), organised by the Kremlin at the end of June


Quote: "The respondents were asked: ‘Some say that the hostilities in Ukraine should be stopped as soon as possible. Others believe that hostilities should not be stopped now. Which point of view is closest to your own – the first or the second?’ The number of Meduza respondents is unknown.

From the documents... It follows that 30% of people who answered this question believe that ‘hostilities in Ukraine’ should be ‘stopped as soon as possible’. Another 13% found it difficult to answer; 57% of respondents believe that the war should be continued."

Details: Note that in the Russian survey, the war is still not called a war. The results of the survey also show that the younger generation is much more opposed to the continuation of the fighting than the older generation.


Quote: "According to the results of the same poll, in the age group 18-24 years, 56% are in favour of ending the war, and only 19% are in favour of continuing it. Among Russians aged 25–34, 43%  support the end of the war, 41% the continuation of hostilities.

In general, the older the respondents, the more they support the war. For example, among respondents over the age of 60, 72% of those polled spoke in favour of continuing the invasion."
