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Russian Federation preparing for a new stage of the offensive – Ukrainian Chief Intelligence Directorate

Saturday, 16 July 2022, 19:39
Russian Federation preparing for a new stage of the offensive – Ukrainian Chief Intelligence Directorate


The Russian Federation is preparing for a new stage of offensive operations, while the threat from Belarus is currently not as high as it was in February before the invasion of the Russian Federation.

Source: Vadym Skibitskyi, representative of the Chief Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine, during the 24/7 national joint newscast


Quote from Skibitskyi: "Military intelligence records the activity of the enemy today. These are not only missile strikes that are launched from the air and from the sea. We see shelling along the entire contact line – along the entire front line there is an active use of tactical aviation, attack helicopters. That is – yes – indeed, there is a certain activation of the enemy along the entire front line.

...Undoubtedly, preparations for the next stage of offensive actions are underway now."

Details: However Skibitskyi noted that there are currently no signs of the formation of strike groups in Belarus, which were previously formed in February of this year before the Russian Federation’s large-scale invasion of Ukraine. But he did not rule out that the threat from this direction may increase.


Quote: "There is a threat. Today, its level is not as high as it was in February, but over time it may increase."

"If we talk about powerful strike groups, primarily Russian, which were created in February, before the invasion, there are no such signs today. But we do not rule out that in the future, depending on the success of the enemy on our territory, a regrouping and strengthening of the Russian presence on the territory of Belarus is possible."

More details: According to intelligence data, units are currently rotating in Belarus near the Ukrainian border.

"During the rotation, the number of troops stationed near our border will be increased. And secondly, we see that certain units (missile units, air defence units, aviation units) remain on the territory of Belarus. They can use it [the territory of Belarus - ed.] to launch missile strikes," said a representative of the Ukrainian Chief Intelligence Directorate.
