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Kim announces reward for information on artillery spotters

Monday, 18 July 2022, 19:05
Kim announces reward for information on artillery spotters

Yevhen Kizilov MONDAY, 18 JULY 2022, 19:05 

Vitalii Kim, head of the Mykolaiv Oblast State Administration, has promised a reward of $100 for information that would assist in capturing Russian artillery spotters in Mykolaiv Oblast.

Source: Kim on Telegram


Details: Vitalii Kim said that Russians are bribing Ukrainians through Telegram channels to correct their artillery fire on Mykolaiv Oblast. The Russian Federation pays, according to Kim, "a few pennies" (1-1.5 thousand hryvnias) for the work. At the same time, those who are recruiting artillery spotters promise them complete anonymity, which they cannot provide. The Ukrainian military "will catch them eventually."

However, in order to speed up their capture, the oblast administration is offering ordinary residents an opportunity to join the hunt for traitors. Each resident who provides information leading to the arrest of an artillery spotter will receive $100.

A little later, the head of the Oblast State Administration promised to publish clear instructions for future whistleblowers.


Quote: "I will pay $100 to anyone who points out an artillery spotter.. Look for it, guys!"
