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Zelenskyy reveals details of new commission to supervise Western weapons

Tuesday, 19 July 2022, 23:03
Zelenskyy reveals details of new commission to supervise Western weapons


President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has spoken about the new Verkhovna Rada [Ukrainian parliament - ed.] commission to monitor the supply of Western weapons to Ukraine.

Source: Zelenskyy in an evening video message to Ukrainians


Quote from Zelenskyy: "The commission consists of representatives from all factions and groups of the parliament. I want to emphasise that there were and are no grounds for any claims against our state in this regard."

Details: The President assured that Western partners are "absolutely aware "of how Ukraine uses the weapons they provide, but "to remove any manipulations by Russian propagandists", an additional parliamentary control instrument has been created.



  • On 19 July, the Verkhovna Rada created a temporary special commission for monitoring the receipt and use of international logistical aid, including weapons, during martial law.
  • Previously, Andrii Yermak, head of the presidential office, suggested that the Verkhovna Rada create a temporary special commission that would monitor the use of weapons received from Ukraine's Western partners.
  • This proposal was made against the background of a statement made by US congresswoman Victoria Spartz, who expressed concern about the supervision of arms supplies to Ukraine and suggested that such a situation might have arisen because of Yermak.
