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Death toll of Russian attack on residential building in Kharkiv reaches 19 as search operations wrap up

Monday, 22 August 2022, 19:08
Death toll of Russian attack on residential building in Kharkiv reaches 19 as search operations wrap up


On 22 August, rescue workers completed the search operations in the three-storey apartment building destroyed in the Russian attack on the Saltivskyi neighbourhood of Kharkiv on 17 August. In the final count, the attack has claimed the lives of 19 civilians.

Source: Dmytro Chubenko, spokesman for the Kharkiv Oblast Prosecutor's Office in a comment for Ukrinform


Quote from Chubenko: "Today the search operations have been completed. Rescue workers were able to get to and inspect the basement.

No bodies have been found over the last two days, so the final death toll is 19 people. [The bodies of] everyone whose relatives were searching for them have been found.

Among those killed [in the attack] are 10 men and 8 women; another person’s sex has yet to be confirmed due to the significant damage to the body."

Background: On 17 August, Kharkiv Mayor Ihor Terekhov reported that Russian forces fired on the Saltivskyi neighbourhood of Kharkiv, causing a large fire in a residential building which had been struck. Early reports indicated that 7 civilians were killed.

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