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Russia reacted to Zelenskyy's dissolution of the TCG: "put an end" to the negotiations

Friday, 2 September 2022, 19:23
Russia reacted to Zelenskyy's dissolution of the TCG: put an end to the negotiations


The head of the Russian delegation to the already defunct negotiations in the Trilateral Contact Group (TCG) on Donbas, Boris Gryzlov, said that Volodymyr Zelenskyy's decision to dissolve the Ukrainian delegation to the TCG "puts an end" to the possibility of resolving the war through negotiations.

As reported in European Pravda, the comment by Gryzlov cites the Russian Embassy in Belarus, which he heads.


"With his statement and decree, Zelenskyy has effectively put an end not only to the negotiation process but also to the not fully closed window of opportunities for resolving the conflict at the negotiating table, preferring war to diplomacy," the Russian ambassador believes.

Gryzlov repeated the propaganda thesis of the Russian Federation that it was impossible to reach an agreement with the current government of Ukraine "not only because of its inability to negotiate but also because of Kyiv's complete loss of state sovereignty, its lack of independence in making decisions and fear of showing political will."

"With such indecisive ‘negotiators’, Russia has nothing to negotiate. We will agree when all the necessary conditions are created, when the goals of the ‘special military operation’ are achieved, and they will be achieved without regard to any steps by Zelenskyy and his henchmen," he added.


Previously, Volodymyr Zelenskyy cancelled the decrees establishing a Ukrainian delegation to participate in the Trilateral Contact Group.

The TCG was established in 2014 as a tool for coordinating measures within the framework of the Minsk Agreements [a series of mediated protocols between Russia and Ukraine starting in 2014 to prevent further fighting between them]. Two days before the start of a full-scale invasion of Ukraine, Vladimir Putin said that after recognizing the independence of the pseudo-formations of the "LDPR" [the so-called Luhansk and Donetsk People’s Republics], the Minsk Agreements "no longer exist".

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