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Ukrainian airmen explain that Russian-purchased Iranian drones are not as frightening as portrayed

Monday, 5 September 2022, 11:25
Ukrainian airmen explain that Russian-purchased Iranian drones are not as frightening as portrayed


The Air Force of Ukraine has extensive combat experience in shooting down drones; and the attack drones that Iran handed over to Russia will suffer the same fate as the rest of the UAVs used by Russian forces. 

Source: Yurii Ihnat, spokesman of the Air Force Command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, on the Espresso television channel


Quote from Ihnat: "These are attack UAVs that carry quite a lot of weapons: the payload of this drone is actually three times more than that of our Bayraktar (according to the manufacturer's requests). However, I do not want to draw any preliminary conclusions until we see it in action.

It’s like they say: you have to try it. This is a common target that will be shot down by our anti-aircraft missile forces, just as they do now with Russian Orlans and Forposts [reconnaissance UAVs]. The only thing that needs to be considered is that it’s a modern strike drone. But we do not know the quality of its production, because Iran assembled it not quite honestly, using smuggled parts, because the country is under sanctions.

We are told that there would be hundreds of them in Russia, but there are doubts that there is such a large number. Plus, controlling this drone is not easy. The crews [at least two people - ed.] must undergo flight practice, combat coordination, and learn how to strike ground targets.


Let's hope that it is not too well-made, and our anti-aircraft gunners will shoot them down like the rest of the enemy's UAVs."

Previously: On 30 August, White House spokeswoman Karin Jean-Pierre confirmed information previously circulated in the media that, according to the United States, Russia received combat drones from Iran.

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