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Ministry of Foreign Affairs offers partner states options for responding to Russian annexation attempts

Saturday, 1 October 2022, 19:51
Ministry of Foreign Affairs offers partner states options for responding to Russian annexation attempts




The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine stated, in response to Russia's attempt to annex Ukrainian territories, that it offered partner states options for responding to the illegal actions of the Russian Federation.


This is reported by European Pravda.

In particular, the Foreign Ministry suggests that partners take decisive and urgent actions to protect the international legal order: accelerate the provision of all necessary military, economic and financial assistance to Ukraine, as well as introduce additional tough sanctions against Russia.

The Foreign Ministry asks to isolate Russia and its leadership from the civilised world. "They have no place in international organisations and on international platforms," the statement says. 

In addition, Ukraine insists on the need to legally and politically "recognise Russia as what it is: a terrorist state."

The Foreign Ministry also calls on every state to support the initiative to create a special tribunal for the crime of aggression against Ukraine, initiated by Ukraine to bring the top military and political leadership of Russia to justice for unleashing a criminal war against Ukraine. 

"Ukraine and the world will never recognize Russian attempts to establish control over Ukrainian land and will not agree to illegal Russian ultimatums. Exercising its legitimate right to self-defence, Ukraine will continue to liberate the territories temporarily occupied by Russia, restoring its territorial integrity within internationally recognised borders, freeing its people from occupation, and defending its right to exist as a state and nation. Ukraine will ensure that the Kremlin is brought to justice for all crimes committed," the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine said.

Background: The leaders of all member states of the European Union published a joint statement which strongly rejected and unequivocally condemned Russia's illegal annexation of the Donetsk, Luhansk, Zaporizhzhia and Kherson oblasts of Ukraine.

US President Joe Biden said that the United States would continue to support Ukraine's efforts to regain control over the territories captured by Russia.

The USA, the United Kingdom and Canada imposed additional sanctions on Russia.

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