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Chief of Ukrainian Intelligence predicts "big victories" by end of year

Tuesday, 18 October 2022, 17:02
Chief of Ukrainian Intelligence predicts big victories by end of year


Kyrylo Budanov, the Head of the Chief Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine, believes that the Ukrainian forces will advance significantly by the end of this year. He has said that "big victories" await Ukraine.

Source: Budanov, in an interview for Obozrevatel, a Ukrainian media outlet


Quote: "By the end of the year, we will have advanced significantly. There will be big victories, you will see it soon…I hope it can be [the liberation of] Kherson.

It all must end by late spring. By the beginning of the summer it all must end.

First, we will restore the 1991 borders [i.e., liberate Crimea and four Russian-annexed oblasts].


After the war ends, a very serious political process connected with the changes in what we now call Russia will begin. Certain regions will separate from Russia…Moscow will start paying us reparations; that’s what awaits them, and it will lead to a shift of Russia’s economic centre to our territory…so a lot of steps will be taken".

Details: Budanov believes that nations of Caucasus will be the first to separate from Russia, but they will not be the only ones.

He also thinks that there are a lot of territorial problems in Russia: the "Russian Federation" is the only thing that’s left of federalism [in that country]".

Quote: "This huge territory has somehow existed within these borders for a long time. Faith in the regime is the only thing that has kept it together. As soon as the regime collapses, all of this [the Russian Federation] will crumble".

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