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Zaporizhzhia Oblast attack: Smerch MLRS damages infrastructure facility

Thursday, 27 October 2022, 08:42


An infrastructure facility in Zaporizhzhia Oblast caught fire and was damaged as a result of a Russian attack on the night of 26–27 October. There are no casualties.

Source: Oleksandr Starukh, Head of the Zaporizhzhia Oblast Military Administration, on Telegram


Details: Russian forces carried out an attack on the outskirts of the city of Zaporizhzhia on the night of 26–27 October. Early reports indicate that they deployed a Smerch multiple-launch rocket system (MLRS) to launch three rockets.

There are no casualties.

An infrastructure facility has sustained damage as a result of the attack. A fire broke out, but was promptly extinguished by the State Emergency Service workers dispatched to the scene.

Quote from Starukh: "The occupiers want to destroy everything. To deprive us of power, water, gas, heating. But they won’t succeed, because the enemy is already doomed. We will win!"

Previously: Anatolii Kurtiev, Secretary of Zaporizhzhia City Council, reported that a fire had broken out on the outskirts of Zaporizhzhia following an attack by the Russians. He added that infrastructure facilities had no power at the time of his report.

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