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Over 1.6 million Ukrainians deported to Russia – Zelenskyy

Thursday, 6 October 2022, 12:14
Over 1.6 million Ukrainians deported to Russia – Zelenskyy


Russia has forcibly deported over 1.6 million Ukrainians from Ukraine. Many of them went through filtration camps and were left without their documents.

Source: press service of Volodymyr Zelenskyy, the President of Ukraine, citing his address to the participants of the Organisation of American States (OAS) General Assembly


Quote: "More than one million and six hundred thousands of Ukrainians were forcibly deported to Russia. They are dispersed across the territory of this state, scattered throughout remote Russian regions. Many of them had their documents taken away, and many of them passed through terrible Russia's filtration camps, where they were abused and intimidated. These are people. But for Russia, it is also a resource".

Details: Zelenskyy stressed that he did not doubt the victory of Ukraine in the war but the topical issue now is how many more Ukrainians Russia will have kidnapped and killed before accepting its defeat".

He emphasised that Russia had sent its army to Ukraine in order to turn the state into its colony like it was before, in the times of the Russian Empire. The President remarked that millions of Ukrainians stood up to defend their freedom and their state and would not let Russia come back to those old unjust times.


Quote: "We are doing everything to free our land as soon as possible, to save all our people from this invasion as fast as we can. We are doing everything to put an end to the long list of Ukrainian victims that Russia is creating.".

Background: In June, Iryna Vereshchuk, Deputy Prime Minister of Ukraine, reported that the occupiers have deported nearly 1,200,000 Ukrainian citizens, 240,000 of them being children, to Russia.

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