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Arakhamia responds to Romanian Defence Minister on the negotiations that Ukraine is prepared to conduct with the West

Sunday, 9 October 2022, 16:55
Arakhamia responds to Romanian Defence Minister on the negotiations that Ukraine is prepared to conduct with the West


Davyd Arakhamia, the chairman of the Sluha Narodu [Servant of the People] party and former chairman of the Ukrainian negotiating team with Russia, said that Ukraine is currently prepared to negotiate with Western countries, but only about joining NATO as soon as possible.

Source: Arakhamia on Telegram; Mykhailo Podoliak, adviser to the Head of the Office of the President, on Twitter


Details: Arakhamia was responding to Vasile Dîncu, Minister of Defence of Romania, who called on Western countries to negotiate with Russia for peace.

Quote from Arakhamia: "We, in turn, are prepared to negotiate with Western countries, but only about our early accession to NATO.

This is the only topic which we can discuss at this time, and Russia is superfluous to these negotiations.


Our collective security and the strength of the Armed Forces of Ukraine are the only guarantee of peace on the European continent. Therefore, the West’s negotiating efforts should be directed at this matter."

More details: In turn, Mykhailo Podoliak has published his proposals to the "peacekeepers".

Quote from Podoliak: "A question for the ‘peacekeepers’. Do you want to negotiate? The algorithm is simple:

  1.     View photos / videos of mass graves.
  2.     Ask the Kremlin to withdraw its armies immediately from the sovereign territory of Ukraine.
  3.     Set up a tribunal and demand the extradition of Russian war criminals.

Less fantasy means more reality."

Background: Earlier on 9 October, Vasile Dîncu, Minister of Defence of Romania, said that negotiations with Russia are the only way to achieve peace in the Russian-Ukrainian full-scale war. 

Dincu stated that "the countries of the world, NATO, and the United States" must negotiate security guarantees for Ukraine and peace with Russia, since "the political class in Ukraine at the moment cannot afford to allow an unfair loss of territory."

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