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In Kherson, there’s not enough water, bread or medicine, but help is on the way

Saturday, 12 November 2022, 13:06
In Kherson, there’s not enough water, bread or medicine, but help is on the way

Liberated from the Russian occupiers, Kherson is currently lacking water, medicine, and food, but humanitarian supplies are beginning to arrive in the city.

Source: Roman Holovnia, adviser to Kherson's mayor, on air during the joint national 24/7 newscast

Quote: "Regarding the humanitarian disaster. It is indeed difficult, because the occupiers and collaborators did everything they could to make those people who remained in the city suffer as much as possible during these days, weeks, months of waiting. And now there is a critical shortage of water in the city, first and foremost, because there is almost no water supply in the city.


Currently there is not enough medicine; there is not enough bread because bread production has stalled; there is no electricity. And, correspondingly, there are problems with the supply of groceries. I think that this issue will be resolved in the near future." 

Details: Meanwhile, as Holovnia states, humanitarian supplies are already being organised, in particular from Mykolaiv, and some lorries with aid have already arrived in the city.

According to Holovnia’s calculations, there are currently about 70,000-80,000 people living in Kherson, while 320,000 people used to live in the administrative centre of the oblast at the beginning of the full-scale invasion. 



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