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Ukrainian Prosecutor's office records 146 cases of sexual violence committed by Russians

Tuesday, 13 December 2022, 11:08

Prosecutors of Ukraine have recorded 146 cases of war-related sexual violence committed by the occupiers since the beginning of the full-scale invasion.

Russian occupiers have been raping a woman for four months in Kherson Oblast, the Prosecutor General's Office of Ukraine reports.

Another local woman has been systematically exposed and tortured since March 2022: in particular, she was doused with boiling water.

New cases of war-related sexual violence are being revieled in the liberated territories.


Joint mobile groups of prosecutors, international experts and psychologists are working there.

"Six Russian servicemen have already been notified of suspicion. Indictments against two people have been sent to court, one person has been convicted," the Prosecutor General's Office says.

Cases of gender-based violence were recorded, when the wives of Ukrainian defenders who participated in the anti-terrorist operation or were related to Ukraine’s Armed Forces were abducted from their families and tortured.

In addition, prosecutors discovered more than 30 cases of genital torture with electric current, which were applied to the local civilian population.

In total, more than 100 instances of torture with the use of electric current against local men have been established.

Previously, the ombudsman was struck by the brutality of torture in Kherson Oblast: there was even a cell for teenagers in the torture chambers of the Russian occupiers

In May, the first case of wartime rape was sent to the court.

Earlier, Ukrainska Pravda.Zhyttia explained what to do if you became a victim of rape, as well as how to prevent pregnancy after rape and cope with it mentally.

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