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Medvedev names Russia's "military targets" in Ukraine: bridges, roads, energy and politics

Friday, 16 December 2022, 10:26
Medvedev names Russia's military targets in Ukraine: bridges, roads, energy and politics

Dmitry Medvedev, deputy chairman of the Security Council of the Russian Federation, has named what he considers acceptable "legitimate military targets" in the war with Ukraine and said that this list includes civilian infrastructure (bridges, transport stations, roads, energy facilities, and factories).

Source: Medvedev on Telegram

Quote: "On the question of legitimate military targets. What are considered as legitimate military targets today (16 December- Ed.)?


Within the framework of these rules of war, these are:

  • Any enemy forces (legitimate combatants and illegal combatants) that have not officially withdrawn from its armed forces.
  • Any military and auxiliary equipment belonging to the enemy.
  • Any military infrastructure as well as civilian infrastructure that contributes to the achievement of military goals (bridges, transport stations, roads, energy facilities, factories and workshops that at least partially fulfil military orders, etc.).
  • The military and political leadership of the enemy country.
  • The Armed Forces of other countries that have officially entered the war, which are allies of the enemy country, and facilities located on their territory are mentioned in paragraphs 1-4."

Details: The previous president of Russia raves about the fact that NATO countries have declared a "hybrid war" on his state.

The Russian speculates on whether the supply of weapons to Ukraine can be considered an attack on Russia and whether NATO countries are legitimate military targets for the Russian Federation. 


Earlier, Medvedev said that no one writes messages on social networks for him, and he comes up with all this on his own.

Why is it important: Since 10 October, Russia has been landing large-scale missile attacks on Ukraine. Many missiles fired by Russian terrorists have hit infrastructure targets; other missiles and drones have hit civilian buildings. 

By doing so, Russia is trying to "persuade" Ukraine into "negotiations". Ukraine rejects these attempts of blackmail.

Apart from 24 February, Russians launched large-scale missile attacks on Ukraine on 10 October, 18 October, 31 October, 15 November, 23 November, 5 December and 16 December.


  • Russia has been waging a full-scale war against Ukraine for almost 10 months, with the fierce military action starting from 24 February.
  • Russian missiles are levelling Ukrainian cities, civilian infrastructure and power facilities. Putin's administration claims that this way, they are "inclining" Ukraine to start peace negotiations. 
  • Putinist Russia has killed and murdered dozens of thousands of Ukrainians and banned protests and broadcasting of opposition media in its own country, but the Russian dictator still labels the Ukrainian government as 'a Nazi regime '.

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