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Putin postponed attack on Ukraine three times, FSB insisted on it

Monday, 19 December 2022, 11:01
Putin postponed attack on Ukraine three times, FSB insisted on it

Russian President Vladimir Putin postponed the full-scale invasion of Ukraine three times. The initiator of the attack was the Federal Security Service (FSB) of the Russian Federation.

Source: Vadym Skibitskyi, Deputy Head of the Defence Intelligence of Ukraine, in an interview with the German newspaper Bild on 18 December

Quote: "According to our information, the attack was postponed three times, the last time in mid-February." 


Details: According to Skibitsky, Putin has repeatedly discussed the idea of an invasion with Valery Gerasimov, Chief of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces, and Sergei Shoigu, Defence Minister, but it was the FSB that insisted. 

Quote: "They (the FSB officers - ed.) were sure that they were sufficiently prepared for the invasion. They invested huge resources and pushed Gerasimov to attack.

The fact that Russian units were provided with food, ammunition and fuel for three days (during the attempt to capture Kyiv - ed.) shows how much they miscalculated.


All the first (military - ed.) targets failed: they could not surround Kyiv and could not take Sumy, Chernihiv and Kharkiv."

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