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Russian Army needs at least five years to recover from losses in Ukraine – Ukrainian Defence Minister

Friday, 30 December 2022, 19:37
Russian Army needs at least five years to recover from losses in Ukraine – Ukrainian Defence Minister

The Russian army needs at least five years to recover from losses in the war against Ukraine.

Source: Oleksii Reznikov, Minister of Defence of Ukraine, in an interview with LB

Quote: "NATO intelligence admits that the losses of the Russians in tanks, artillery, infantry fighting vehicles, armoured personnel carriers, and manpower are very significant. The regular troops of the Russian Federation can recover in at least 5, or even 10 years. The missile potential is the same. Therefore, this is a war of resources. And they [NATO countries – ed.] know how to count resources, so they understand this issue."


Details: According to Reznikov, Russia will cease to exist as an empire, and the Western partners of Ukraine should think about what to do with the Russian Federation in the future. "I feel, based on my observations and facts, there will be strong tectonic changes in Russia, and as such, an empire or the federation will cease to exist. There will be something renewed."


  • As of December 30, the Armed Forces of Ukraine have eliminated more than 100,000 Russian invaders.

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