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Soldier killed at front within a month of being drafted. Territorial Recruitment Center conducts inspection

Sunday, 19 February 2023, 14:45
Soldier killed at front within a month of being drafted. Territorial Recruitment Center conducts inspection

A Ukrainian soldier from the city of Ternopil was killed on the front line less than a month after receiving the summons. The Territorial Recruitment Centre conducts a background check to determine those responsible for preparation and training of personnel.

Source: Ternopil Oblast Territorial Centre of Recruitment and Social Support; Olena Velychanska, press secretary of the Centre, in a comment to Ukrainska Pravda

Details: As the Territorial Centre of Recruitment told UP, the military man received the summons on 18 January, and took the oath on 31 January.


On 12 February, the defender was transferred to a new place of service, where he was killed in action on 16 February.

Quote: "Currently, an official inspection has been scheduled in the Ternopil United City Territorial Recruitment Centre, the results of which will determine the persons who were responsible for the preparation and training of personnel.

Such a case that occurred with this soldier is not typical.


The command of the military units of the combat staff pays great attention to the training of soldiers, as this is the key to preserving their lives and the lives of those around them."

More details: Meanwhile, information appeared on social media that the soldier allegedly did not undergo any training and did not have proper equipment, and the summons was handed to him "at a public transport stop."

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