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Ukrainian Church Metropolitan addresses clergy of Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra: All who reject Moscow's power will continue their service

Saturday, 18 March 2023, 16:30
Ukrainian Church Metropolitan addresses clergy of Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra: All who reject Moscow's power will continue their service

Metropolitan Epiphany of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine [OCU] assures that the monastery on the territory of the Kyiv Pechersk Lavra (Kyiv Monastery of the Caves) will not be closed, and the language of services will be Old Slavic, along with modern Ukrainian.

Source: Epiphanius' address to the clergy of the monastery and the public

Quote: "In connection with the events related to the Holy Dormition Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra, I consider it necessary to give an explanation on a number of issues.


First of all, it should be emphasised that there is no question of the closure of this monastery, the cessation of prayer, services, and monastic life in it. Comparing the current events with the past persecution of the church by the communist authorities in general and the two-time closure of the monastery in particular is baseless manipulation. It sounds especially cynical from the lips of a hierarch who was closely connected with the Communist Party and even tried to be nominated for an elected position on its behalf."

Details: Epiphanius called on the brothers of the Lavra "to contribute to the process of liberation from the Moscow yoke."

"Moscow's religious power in Ukraine is non-canonical, and everyone sees how the Kremlin uses it against the Ukrainian people," he emphasised.


Epiphanius reiterated that, opening the monastery as part of the Local Church, the Holy Synod of the OCU at the same time asked the government to provide premises for monastic life and religious services in the Lavra.

"This request remains relevant, and we will insist that the monastic life, the opportunity for daily prayer and divine services are properly provided," the Metropolitan emphasised.

Quote: "As a holy archimandrite, I testify to the brothers that all of you who follows the requirements of the canons and Tomos [a decree of canonical independence of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine from the Moscow Patriarchate – ed.] and reject the lawless power of Moscow, will continue their service in the Lavra. We will use all our capabilities and authority to protect you from intimidation by the former head of the Lavra.

The current affairs of the monastery will be managed by those who know the traditions and life of the monastery, who are known to you, because they belong to the brotherhood, who have the appropriate abilities and have not tarnished themselves with devotion to the "Russian world".

The ancient Slavic language, together with the modern Ukrainian language, will be the liturgical language of the Lavra, we know that this issue is also important for many of you."

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