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We cannot equate victim and aggressor in pursuit of peace in Ukraine – Borrel

Monday, 22 May 2023, 19:25

Josep Borrell, the head of EU diplomacy, believes that some world leaders’ attempts to equate the victim and the aggressor in the context of Russia's full-scale war against Ukraine is erroneous.

Source: Borrel after a meeting of EU foreign ministers on Monday, European Pravda reports.

"Everyone wants the war to end. The only one who seems to want to continue the war is Putin. No one wants peace more than Ukraine, which is why we support President Zelenskyy's initiative on peace," Borrel said.


He noted that he was forced to explain to some world leaders why it is wrong to equate Ukraine and Russia in the context of the settlement of the Russian-Ukrainian war.

"Those who maintain peace cannot equate the victim and the aggressor. I was forced to discuss this message with all the world leaders, who are very interested in peace, but continue to equate the victim and the aggressor. This leads to a peace that is not fair and does not guarantee the rights of the Ukrainian people," the head of EU diplomacy explained.

In recent weeks, several countries have offered mediation in resolving the full-scale war between Ukraine and Russia. 


In particular, China, Brazil and the Republic of South Africa, whose representatives have already been or plan to go to Kyiv and Moscow.

At the same time, according to Borrel, Beijing has lost the opportunity to be a mediator in the war unleashed by Russia.

Dmytro Kuleba, Foreign Minister, said that mediation between Ukraine and Russia in ending the full-scale war is acceptable only if it takes into account two fundamental principles.

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