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Up to 32 Kalibr missiles in Black Sea, danger of missile attacks high – Operational Command South

Saturday, 6 May 2023, 23:40
Up to 32 Kalibr missiles in Black Sea, danger of missile attacks high – Operational Command South

The Russians have brought four carriers with Kalibr cruise missiles to the Black Sea, with a total capacity of up to 32 missiles.

Source: Operational Command Pivden (South)

Quote: "The enemy has replenished the group with four missile carriers in the Black Sea.


The total capacity is up to 32 Kalibr missiles.

Against the background of the activity of Russian strategic aviation, the level of missile danger is at the highest possible level. Do not ignore the air-raid alarms!"

Background: On Saturday evening, an air-raid alarm sounded in most of the territory of Ukraine.


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