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German Defence Minister on idea of "non-violent" resistance for Ukraine: Tell that to people in Bucha

Sunday, 18 June 2023, 08:38

German Defence Minister Boris Pistorius has responded to Theo Paul, the Episcopal Vicar of the Diocese of Osnabrück, who said that Ukraine could resist Russian aggression "non-violently".

Source: Pistorius, during a speech at an ecumenical church congress in the city of Osnabrück, as reported by European Pravda citing German news agency DW.

Quote: "Tell people in Bucha about this. I can't tell them about non-violent resistance, it brings tears of rage to my eyes," Pistorius said.


Details: He said that stopping the supply of weapons to Kyiv would mean a quick end to the war, "but it would also be the end for Ukraine".

Meanwhile, Pistorius said that he supported the idea of peace in the long run, but it is up to Ukraine to decide how to achieve it.

Theo Paul, Episcopal Vicar of the Catholic Diocese of Osnabrück, expressed the opinion that after the start of Russia's full-scale aggression against Ukraine, "too many people have been imbued with the logic of war", which has "caused us so much evil in the past".


Background: Earlier, Pistorius said that demands for an immediate cessation of hostilities in Ukraine were inappropriate at the moment, as this would mean Russia's success.

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