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NATO summit: Zelenskyy will arrive in Vilnius on Tuesday, will attend dinner

Tuesday, 11 July 2023, 11:31

President Volodymyr Zelenskyy will arrive in Vilnius on Tuesday and attend a dinner, as well as a meeting of the NATO-Ukraine Council on Wednesday.

Source: European Pravda; Jens Stoltenberg, NATO Secretary General before starting the NATO summit in Vilnius. 

"President Zelenskyy will come to Vilnius. I will be happy to welcome him tonight during dinner and at the inaugural meeting of the NATO-Ukraine Council tomorrow," Stoltenberg said, answering a question about Zelenskyy's possible refusal to visit if Ukraine is not offered an invitation to become a member of the Alliance.


He stressed that the allies will send a strong positive signal about Ukraine's path to NATO membership.

However, the secretary general also added that he will not yet talk about the specific language of the final statement.

As previously reported, Jens Stoltenberg is confident that the summit communiqué regarding Ukraine's membership, which will be adopted in a few hours, will contain positive language.


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