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Russia's lawsuit against Ukraine: Ministry of Justice expects a positive decision of the ECHR

Friday, 14 July 2023, 22:50
Russia's lawsuit against Ukraine: Ministry of Justice expects a positive decision of the ECHR

The Commissioner of the Ministry of Justice has said that there are reasons to expect that the European Court for Human Rights' decision in the case of Russia against Ukraine will be positive for Ukraine and will be published next week.

Source: Marharyta Sokorenko, Commissioner for ECHR at the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine, in a comment to Ukrinform

Quote: "If briefly, they claimed a number of human rights violations by Ukraine, primarily against the Russian-speaking population, talking about discrimination and harassment. I can only assess Ukraine's chances in this case, and I think the result will be pleasing."


Details: The official explained that in her mind the lawsuit is "about Russia's alternative version of its own aggression against our country".

Sokorenko also predicted that in other cases involving Ukraine and Russia – namely, Ukraine against Russia (regarding Crimea) and Ukraine and the Netherlands against Russia (regarding human rights violations in the occupied territories) – the ECHR would make decisions quickly.

"Importantly, the ECHR continues to consider cases even despite the lack of any cooperation from Russia since March 2022. To do this, the court has adopted an appropriate algorithm of actions and is following it," the Commissioner of the Ministry of Justice summed up.


"This is an important signal to Russia and also to any state that decides to brazenly and cynically violate international obligations that responsibility cannot be avoided," she concluded.


  • In the summer of 2021, Russia submitted the first interstate complaint against Ukraine to the European Court of Human Rights on 10 groups of charges, accusing Ukraine of the deaths of civilians in 2014, the MH17 disaster [the downing of a Boeing 777 aircraft near the city of Donetsk – ed.], shelling of Russian territories, and discrimination against the Russian-speaking population.
  • Decisions should be announced on the morning of 18 July by written procedure.

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