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Ukraine changes its counteroffensive tactics after heavy equipment losses – NYT

Saturday, 15 July 2023, 14:55
Ukraine changes its counteroffensive tactics after heavy equipment losses – NYT
photo: General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

Ukrainian troops have changed the tactics of conducting a counteroffensive, which helped them reduce losses in military equipment but also slowed down the territories’ liberation.

Source: The New York Times

Details: According to The New York Times, up to 20% of the military equipment delivered to the front line, including Western models, was damaged or destroyed in the first two weeks of the counteroffensive.


This level of equipment losses decreased to 10% in the following weeks due to the fact that Ukraine had changed its counteroffensive tactics.

In particular, Ukraine’s Armed Forces are focused more on exhausting Russian forces with artillery and long-range missiles than on attacking Russian-mined fields, The New York Times wrote.

Quote: "But that good news obscures some grim realities. The losses have also slowed because the counteroffensive itself has slowed and even halted in places as Ukrainian soldiers struggle against Russia’s formidable defences. 


And despite the losses, the Ukrainians have so far taken just five of the 60 miles [8 kilometres from 96 – ed.] they hope to cover to reach the sea in the south and split the Russian forces in two."

More details: The New York Times cites military experts who say that the first 25km of the counterattack will be the most difficult, as attacking troops typically need three times as many forces, including weapons, personnel or both, as those defending.

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